Známé jako Sil-Pad® 800
Vlastnosti a výhody
Thermally conductive, silicone insulator pad that features minimal thermal resistance and maximum thermal performance. Low mounting stress.
BERGQUIST® SIL PAD® TSP 1600 is an electrically insulating material designed for applications that require high thermal performance and low mounting pressures. The fiberglass reinforced material with smooth surface texture is electrically isolating and is ideal for applications that require low mounting pressures. For information on UL certifications for our Thermal Management Materials Portfolio, please reference to UL file No. E59150.
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Technické informace
Dielektrická konstanta, @ 1kHz | 6.0 |
Hodnocení hořlavosti | V-0 |
Objemový odpor | 1×10 Ohm m |
Provozní teplota | -60.0 - 180.0 °C |
Průrazné napětí dielektrika | 3000.0 Vac |
Standardní tloušťka | 0.127 mm |
Tepelná impedance, ASTM D5470 @ 50 psi | 0.45 °C-in²/W |
Tepelná vodivost | 1.6 W/mK |
Teplota změny fáze | 55.0 °C |
Tloušťka fólie přepravce | 0.025 mm |
Tvrdost v jednotce shore, ASTM D2240 Shore A | 91.0 |