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LOCTITE ABLESTIK ABP 8066T, Hybrid chemistry, Die Attach, Highly filled, Conductive Adhesive
LOCTITE® ABLESTIK ABP 8066T highly filled, conductive die attach adhesive is designed to provide high thermal and electrical conductivity in the attachment of integrated circuits and components onto metallic leadframes. The material is hydrophobic and stable at high temperatures. It is formulated to provide high heat transfer generated by power devices. This material can also be used as a soft solder alternate for applications requiring high thermal and electrical conductivity.

Techniniai duomenys

Kietėjimo tipas Kietėjimas veikiant šilumai
Klampumas, „Brookfield“ CP51, @ 25.0 °C Speed 5 rpm 10000.0 mPa.s (cP)
Pritaikomumas Lustų klijavimas
Stiklėjimo temperatūra (Tg) 67.0 °C
Tiksotropinis indeksas 6.0
Šiluminio plėtimosi koeficientas (CTE) 53.0 ppm/°C
Šiluminio plėtimosi koeficientas (CTE), Above Tg 90.0 ppm/°C
Šilumos laidumas 15.0 W/mK