被稱為 Loctite 592 Thread Sealant Slow Cure


A 1-part, high-temperature thread sealant lubricates threads to prevent leaks and galling on pipe threads and fittings. Specially formulated to offer easy assembly and removal.
LOCTITE® 592 is a thick, white, anaerobic-curing lubricating thread sealant paste, which prevents leaks and galling on pipe threads and fittings. It provides immediate low-pressure sealing and allows the readjustment of fittings shortly after assembly. The joint seals against pipe burst pressure after 72 hours. Suits applications up to 204°C (400°F). Unsuitable for plastic piping.


使用方法 刷子
固化類型 厭氧固化
建議推廣應用 金屬
應用 塑料線燙訂, 管道密封
物理形態 黏貼
粘度,Brookfield - RVF, @ 25.0 °C Spindle 7, speed 2 rpm 200000.0 - 500000.0 mPa.s (cP)
關鍵特性 分解:容易分解, 抑制腐蝕, 溫度:高溫
零組件數 1 組分
顏色 米白色