U svojstvu Gap Pad® 3004SF
Značajke i prednosti
A high-performance, thermally conductive, silicone-free GAP PAD filler with a thermal conductivity rating of 3.0 W/m-K for silicone sensitive applications.
BERGQUIST® GAP PAD® TGP 3004SF is a silicone-free, thermally conductive gap pad. This product exhibits excellent thermal performance and thereby offers exceptionally low interfacial resistance to adjacent surfaces. It has no silicone content, so is ideal for silicone sensitive applications.
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Tehnički podaci
Boja | Svijetlo siva |
Gustoća, Maximum Final | 3.2 g/cm³ |
Jakost plamena | V-0 |
Radna temperatura | -40.0 - 125.0 °C |
Toplinska vodljivost | 3.0 W/mK |
Tvrdoća prema Shoreu, Thirty second delay value, ASTM D2240 Sipki gumeni materijal @ 23.0 °C Shore 00 | 70.0 |
Uobičajena debljina | 0.254 - 3.715 mm |
Vrsta nosača | 0,25 mil PET premaz |