
Low viscosity, cyanoacrylate-based, low-bloom, flash-cure adhesive with photo-initiator. Perfect for bonding applications that require very rapid fixturing, fillet cure or surface cure.
LOCTITE® 4306 is a transparent, rigid, light-cured cyanoacrylate-based liquid adhesive with photo-initiator, designed for bonding applications that require very rapid fixturing, fillet cure or surface cure. The UV light cure minimizes blooming and provides an alternative to solvent-borne accelerators. It's great for bonding plastics, rubbers and metals, and fluoresces under UV light – great for quality control.


固化類型 紫外固化
建議推廣應用 聚丙烯, 聚乙烯, 聚碳酸酯, 酚醛樹脂, 金屬:鋁, 金屬:鋼 - 不鏽鋼
機構批准/證書/規格 ISO 10993
物理形態 流體
關鍵特性 混合:無需混合
零組件數 1 組分
顏色 深藍色, 淺黃色, 綠色