Softness, strength, and absorbency are key components consumers want in their tissue and towel products. From facial tissues and toilet paper to napkins and paper towels, consumers have different expectations for each. Brand owners are faced with meeting these needs and delivering products in a highly competitive market. To respond to the competitive pressure in the industry, manufacturers are seeking solutions to increase the efficiency of their production lines. This means that you need a reliable and innovative tissue adhesive supplier that helps you make high-quality tissue products.
The tissue and towel industry has a diverse range of applications. Henkel offers a broad portfolio of products and equipment solutions for traditional applications such as lamination, pick up, core winding, and tail sealing. Our own research, along with the cooperation of our machine producers, assures Henkel adhesives bond professionally, at the right moment, and in the right place for all your tissue adhesives. We provide high-quality adhesive and equipment solutions help to reduce cost and increase quality.
Contact us today to discover more about our adhesives and equipment for tissue and towel production.