Bekannt als ABLETHERM 8600 (22G)

Merkmale und Vorteile

This acrylate-based, thermally and electrically conductive die-attach adhesive is designed for high-reliability packaging.
LOCTITE® ABLESTIK 8600 is a silver die-attach adhesive for high-reliability package applications with medium thermal and electrical requirements. It’s compatible with Ag, PPF and Cu, but not recommended for high-density matrix lead frames with more than 500 pads. It’s formulated with an acrylate-based resin, offers low bleed and cures snappy when exposed to heat.

Technische Informationen

Anwendungen Gesenk-Verbindung
Aushärtetechnik Aushärtung durch Wärme
Extrahierbarer Ionengehalt, Chlorid (CI-) 9.0 ppm
Extrahierbarer Ionengehalt, Kalium (K+) 9.0 ppm
Extrahierbarer Ionengehalt, Natrium (Na+) 9.0 ppm
RT Scherfestigkeit der Matrize 11.0 kg-f
Wärmeausdehnungskoeffizient (CTE) 46.0 ppm/°C
Zugfestigkeitsmodul, @ 250.0 °C 2200.0 N/mm² (325000.0 psi )