During a car's life a lot of different paintwork damages can occur. There are environmental damages caused by stone chipping, bird droppings or car wash scratches. But also during the paint refinish process damages such as dust nibs, runs or orange peel can happen. Here we will show how to repair of a dust nib caused by a dirt inclusion into the paint.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should you always use the recommended pads?
For which polishing product can you use the lambswool pad?
Is it necessary to use TEROSON® WX 189 Protection Sealant as protection step?
By when can I start polishing after the paint refinish?
Is it possible to only use TEROSON® WX 159 as one polishing step?
Why do you have to use TEROSON® WX 178 HP on uni black paints?
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The information provided herein, especially recommendations for the usage and the application of our products, is based upon our knowledge and experience. Due to different materials used as well as to varying working conditions beyond our control we strictly recommend to carry out intensive trials to test the suitability of our products with regard to the required processes and applications. We do not accept any liability with regard to the above information or with regard to any written or verbal recommendation, except if otherwise explicitly agreed and except in relation to death or personal injury caused by Henkel´s gross negligence or intention and any liability under any applicable mandatory product liability law. Please note that the information provided by us may not be current, complete and correct. It is not intended to serve as legal advice. Each user is solely responsible for assessing and ensuring compliance with any applicable law. The information is protected by copyright. In particular, any reproductions, adaptations, translations, storage and processing in other media, including storage or processing by electronic means, enjoy copyright protection. Any exploitation in whole or in part thereof shall require the prior written consent of Henkel Jebel Ali FZCO. Except as otherwise noted, all marks used in this sell sheet are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Henkel and/or its affiliates.