TECHNOMELT® PUR 862A Reactive Hot Melt Adhesive

Được gọi là Purmelt QR-862A

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100%-solids, moisture-curing hotmelt adhesive. It is designed to provide highly aggressive tack combined with very fast handling strength.
TECHNOMELT® PUR 862A is a translucent, 100%-solids, moisture-curing hotmelt adhesive. It is designed to provide highly aggressive tack combined with very fast handling strength. This allows for parts to be moved, trimmed and even routed in minutes rather than hours. The distinctive feature of this product is that it combines two, often un-linked, properties - good working assembly time and high green strength. It is formulated with patented technology to provide fast cure and contains UV dye for improved visibility under ultraviolet source.
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Loại Hóa Cứng Hóa Cứng Độ Ẩm
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Phương Pháp Ứng Dụng Phủ Cuộn
Đặc Điểm Chính Tốc Độ Hóa Cứng: Hóa Cứng Nhanh, Độ Bền Dính: Độ Bền Dính Cao