Known as FREKOTE 700 NC

Features and Benefits

A 1-part, clear, solvent-based, multipurpose mold-release agent for epoxy and polyester gel coat applications.
LOCTITE® FREKOTE® 700NC is a clear, solvent based, moisture-curing release agent for epoxy and polyester gel coat advanced composites. It's typically used for releasing epoxies, polyester resins, thermoplastics, and most other molded polymers. It’s a versatile agent with high thermal stability, offering high slip where mold geometry problems are encountered. It is applied to mold surfaces from room temperature up to 135°C (275°F) by spraying, brushing or wiping, cures rapidly at room temperature and leaves a high-gloss finish.
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Technical Information

Drying time between coats, @ 20.0 °C 5.0 min.
Finish reflection Gloss
Full cure time, @ 20.0 °C 20.0 min.
Key characteristics Solvent based
Recommended for use with Composite: advanced composites