LOCTITE® PM20 UV Radiometers UV Vis & UV AB

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The LOCTITE PM20 UV VIS Radiometer and LOCTITE PM20 UV AB Radiometer are used to measure LED light curing devices that emit in the UV and visible wavelengths, as well as the UVA and UVB wavelengths.
The LOCTITE® PM20 UV VIS Radiometer and LOCTITE PM20 UV AB Radiometer are an industry first for measurement of LED light curing devices. The PM20 UV VIS Radiometer (item #2436352) is used to measure LED light curing devices that emit in the UV and visible wavelengths, while the PM20 UV AB Radiometer (Item #2436353) is used to measure LED light curing devices that emit in the UVA and UVB wavelengths. The flat response curve makes these radiometers uniquely qualified to measure narrow band wavelengths of LED light curing devices. These radiometers can also be used with curing chambers, conveyors, and flood lamps. Each of the radiometers combines all-in-one exposure, intensity measurement, and profile memory capability into one device.
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Технічна інформація

Інтенсивність світла 5.0 - 40.0 W/cm²
Використовується для дозування Клеї, що тверднуть під впливом УФ і видимого світла
Застосування Точкове світлодіодне твердіння
Тип використання УФ-видимий