LOCTITE® CL30 LED Flood Curing Quad Controller

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The LOCTITE CL30 LED Flood Curing Quad Controller supplies power and control for up to four (4) LOCTITE LED Flood Arrays to cure UV and visible light cure adhesives.
The LOCTITE® CL30 LED Flood Curing Quad Controller supplies power and control for up to four (4) LOCTITE CL30 LED Flood Array Light Sources, which are offered in 365 nm (item #2139182) and 405 nm (item #2139180) wavelengths. It is used to cure UV and visible light cure adhesives. The LED Flood Array wavelength is selected according to the curing requirements of the adhesive. For a given irradiance, the exposure time required to fully cure the adhesive depends primarily on the properties of the adhesive and the optical properties of the substrate that the light is transmitted through. The CL30 LED Flood Curing Quad Controller has three different control modes: 1) Timer Mode: Adjustable from 0 to 999 seconds; 2) Level Mode: To set up intensity percentage for each channel; and 3) Advance Mode: Operator needs to define Step, Intensity, and Time.
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Технічна інформація

Використовується для дозування Клеї, що тверднуть під впливом УФ і видимого світла
Довжина хвилі, Item #2139180 405.0 nm
Довжина хвилі, Item #2139182 365.0 nm
Застосування Комплект отверджування з світлодіодним потоком
Тип лампи, Рекомендовано Світлодіодний (LED)