Відомий як MACROMELT OM 678
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Hotmelt adhesive used for moulding applications allows encapsulation of fragile components without damage. Designed to meet low pressure moulding process requirements.
TECHNOMELT® PA678 BLACK is a high performance thermoplastic polyamide and designed to meet low pressure moulding process requirements. This product can be processed at low pressure due to its low viscosity, allowing encapsulation of fragile components without damage. This material provides a good balance of low and high temperature performance.
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Технічна інформація
В’язкість розплавлення, віскозиметр серії RVT, ASTM D 3236 @ 210.0 °C Spindle 27 | 2500.0 - 4000.0 мПа·с |
Колір | Чорний |
Температура пом’якшення | 185.0 °C |
Щільність | 0.98 г/см³ |