BONDERITE goes around the world!

The journey begins – join us now

People in the metal pretreatment industry admire innovation. They care about sustainability. And they’re passionate about the power of technology. That’s why Henkel is launching a fresh new program with the claim “BONDERITE goes around the world” to inspire people in this industry by telling the story of our surface treatments in a memorable way. The program is built around a very special chair that is going on an amazing journey.

We’re sending our BONDERITE chair on a round-the-world journey

To capture the hearts and minds of people across the metal pretreatment industry

Sit down and let us tell you an inspirational story. It begins and ends with you – our customers in the metal pretreatment industry. We’re going to demonstrate how our range of surface treatments can open up innovative design possibilities, increase efficiency, and drive progress toward sustainability. And we’ve come up with something very special to help you visualize the way our high-impact solutions create value for this market. It’s called the BONDERITE Chair.

The chair has a steel seat and aluminum sides. The steel has been treated with our BONDERITE MPP metal pretreatment technology. And the aluminum has been treated with our BONDERITE light metal finishing products. The result is an eye-catching chair that directly shows the performance of our innovative products, as well as the contribution to sustainability. But you don’t have to take our word for it…

In May, we’re going to send our BONDERITE Chair on a round-the-world journey – from beaches to famous cultural landmarks and production lines worldwide. On top of this, it will visit our customers in this industry, and they’ll give honest testimonials about how our surface treatments have created real value for their specific applications.

We’ll share updates on our website, LinkedIn and other channels, including interviews with our technical experts and online seminars about our solutions. This will give you valuable information about how BONDERITE technologies create a competitive advantage for manufacturers, jobbers and other players from across the metal pretreatment industry.

Overall, we want to catch your eye – and capture your hearts and minds too. Follow the “BONDERITE goes around the world” journey over the coming weeks and months, and please don’t hesitate to contact our team if you want more information about the innovation power, performance and sustainability of our world-leading portfolio of surface treatments.


BONDERITE is the world’s leading brand of surface treatments, coatings, cleaning solutions and lubricants. Its innovative solutions create a competitive advantage for companies across industries and around the globe. The brand is owned by Henkel and has proven track record of reliability, sustainability and performance – supported by its expert team of technical engineers.