LOCTITE® Compact Micro Rotor Pump Dispenser 1.0
Elementi i pogodnosti
The LOCTITE Compact Micro Rotor Pump 1.0 is a volumetric dispenser that applies LOCTITE adhesives from a reservoir, with high repeatability.
The LOCTITE® Compact Micro Rotor Pump Dispenser 1.0 is a volumetric dispenser that is a rotating displacement system and consists of a rotor and stator. This Rotor Pump requires the LOCTITE RC15 Rotor Pump Controller, item #1880232 (sold separately), to form a complete dispensing system. NOTE: Not for dispensing cyanoacrylates.
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Tehnički podaci
Ključne karakteristike | Vakumsko uvlačenje |
Koristi se za izlivanje, Preporučeno | Akrilici, Anaerobici, UV akrili |
Primene | Nanošenje lepaka |
Tip rada | Pozitivni pomak, Volumetrijski |
Viskoznost | 0.0 - 100000.0 mPa·s |
Šabloni izlivanja | Hermetizacija, Kapljice, Perle |