Elementi i pogodnosti
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LOCTITE ECCOBOND DS 3318LVT, Acrylate, Coating and Sealant
LOCTITE® ECCOBOND DS 3318LVT fast, UV curable material is specially formulated for use in applications requiring lower energy cure. Its excellent moisture resistance is designed to provide protection in COG-LCD modules.
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Tehnički podaci
Boja | Providna |
Dubina polimerizacije | 15.0 mm |
Intenzitet rasporeda svetlosne polimerizacije | 100.0 mW/cm² |
Raspored polimerizacije | 15.0 sekunda |
Temperatura čuvanja | 25.0 °C |
Tip očvršćavanja | Očvršćavanje pomoću UV svetlosti |
Vek trajanja | 183.0 dan |
Viskoznost, kugla / ploča Haake PK1, 2°, @ 25.0 °C Shear Rate 36 s⁻¹ | 142.0 mPa.s (cP) |
Vreme gubljenja lepljivosti | 5.0 sekunda |