Most of the questions were asked from our customers and business partners in personal meetings or in our webinars.
Valuable hint and in-depth information on various packaging related topics
FAQ – Legislation & Regulation
If adhesives use "plastics" as a reference, what do films and paperboards use as a reference?
What organizations are you a part of to help understand these regulations?
REACH assessments are more likely to focus on the tox properties of a substance in relation to worker exposure - this may not include oral ingestion as would be the case for migration/food contact applications - how beneficial is any data from ECHA?
Is there a distinction between direct and indirect contact? What about "incidental" direct?
How often do you re-assess products? What is your control plan?
How do your adhesives impact regulatory documentation for food/ beverage companies?
What is the receptivity of your raw material suppliers to the food safety topic? How can the supply chain collaborate to drive greater activity even further upstream?
FAQ – Migration & Analytics
What factors most significantly contribute to migration?
What are the most effective absolute and functional barriers for preventing migration?
If we had to conduct migration test for NIAS, and the migration quantity is under 0.01ppb, do we also need conduct a toxicological test for the NIAS?
FAQ – Container Labeling
Why is it important to check the food contact status of labeling adhesives?
FAQ – Risk Assessment
When should products be tested and re-tested?
How can I conduct a risk assessment for substances that are not listed?
Is it mandatory to perform lab test for NIAS? Are the suppliers´ declarations sufficient?
Who is ultimately responsible for certifying the products used in food packaging? Is it the supplier (adhesive supplier) or the user (end-customer)?
What chemicals can cause off-odor/ off-taste?
How long does it take to assess an adhesive?
What is the most effective simulant? Why?
FAQ – Raw Materials
How do you manage changes in your raw materials?
How often do you re-assess products? What is your control plan?
FAQ – Flexible Packaging
What are techniques to determine Primary Aromatic Amines (PAAs)?
Why do the different PAA test methods have different detection limits?
Can aromatic SF systems be used for retort applications?
Does the BfR method always lead to wrong results for PAA tests after retort?
Why are PAA times on OPA or CPA so long?
FAQ – Paper Packaging
Can triacetin be used as food additive for all foodstuffs?
Is it necessary to make migration tests or can we make worst-case-calculations for plasticizers?
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