Features and Benefits

A 2-part, high-strength, medium-viscosity structural adhesive for various substrates.
LOCTITE® EA 3421 is a clear amber (after mixing), high-strength epoxy adhesive system for metals, ceramics, wood, glass or rigid plastics. It offers good gap-filling properties, making it highly suitable for rough or poorly fitting surfaces. Its medium-viscosity nature and long working life make it ideal for large surfaces where adjustments are needed after assembly. It’s typically used for bonding aluminum window frames and GRP panels. LOCTITE EA 3421 cures at room temperature and provides excellent moisture resistance.
  • Slow curing for reworkability
  • High strength
  • Medium viscosity
  • Resistant to moisture
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Technical Information

Fixture time 240.0 min.
Mix ratio, by volume 1 : 1
Mix ratio, by weight 100 : 90
Color, Mixed Light amber
Color, Resin White
Viscosity, Brookfield - RVT, Resin @ 25.0 °C Spindle 6, speed 2.5 rpm 30000.0 - 90000.0 mPa·s (cP)
Viscosity, Brookfield - RVT, Resin @ 25.0 °C Spindle 6, speed 5 rpm 60000.0 - 100000.0 mPa·s (cP) , 9000.0 - 19000.0 mPa·s (cP)
Color, Hardener Amber
Viscosity, Brookfield - RVT, Hardener @ 25.0 °C Spindle 6, speed 10 rpm 11000.0 - 19000.0 mPa·s (cP)