LOCTITE® 648 - 50 ml Tube Retaining Compound

Features and Benefits

A 1-part, low-viscosity, high-strength, anaerobic-curing retaining compound is designed for bonding cylindrical fitting parts. Even works on slightly oily surfaces, e.g., from various oils, such as cutting fluids.
When you’re working with holding gears and sprockets on gearbox shafts, or rotors on electric motor shafts, LOCTITE® 648 is ideal for preventing loosening and leakage from shock and vibration. This green, low viscosity, high-strength, anaerobic-curing retaining compound provides reliable bonds of cylindrical assemblies, even when exposed to high temperature environments. It cures on active metals (e.g. mild steel) as well as passive substrates like stainless steel and plated surfaces, and it even tolerates minor surface contaminations from oils such as cutting, lubrication, anti-corrosion and protection fluids without the use of a primer or cleaner.
  • Works on active and passive substrates without primer
  • High-strength and oil resistance
  • Temperature resistant up to 180°C (355°F)
  • Fluorescent under UV for quality control
  • Low viscosity
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Documents and Downloads

Safety Data Sheets and RoHs
LOCTITE® 648, 250 ml Bottle 1800517 en-JP
IDH: 1800517

Size Case: 250 ml Bottle

LOCTITE® 648, 50 ml Bottle 1800518 en-JP
IDH: 1800518

Size Case: 50 ml Bottle

LOCTITE® 648, 250 ml Bottle 235294 en-JP
IDH: 235294

Size Case: 250 ml Bottle

LOCTITE® 648, 50 ml Tube 236606 en-JP
IDH: 236606

Size Case: 50 ml Tube

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Technical Information

Agency approvals / certificates / specifications DVGW (EN 751-1): NG 5146C00236, NSF P1 Reg. No 148350, WRAS (BS 6920): 0808532
Color Green
Fixture time 3.0 min.
Gap fill 0.15 mm
Key characteristics Oil tolerant, Strength: high strength, Temperature resistant
Operating temperature -55.0 - 180.0 °C (-65.0 - 355.0 °F )
Recommended for use with Metal: steel
Shear strength, Steel 27.0 N/mm² (3900.0 psi )
Viscosity 500.0 mPa·s (cP)