Tuntud kui LOCTITE 596
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This flowable, 1-part silicone adhesive sealant cures at room temperature to form a tough rubber seal with high temperature resistance.
LOCTITE® SI 596 is a red, flowable, smooth, 1-part RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) acetoxy silicone paste sealant that cures at room temperature on exposure to moisture in the air to form a tough, flexible, waterproof, oil-resistant silicone rubber bond. It resists temperatures up to 316°C (600°F), making it well suited for sealing applications in industrial furnaces, ovens, boilers, exhaust stacks, high temperature ducting and heating elements in electrical appliances. It resists aging, weathering and thermal cycling without hardening, shrinking or cracking.
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Tehniline teave
Ekstrusiooni kiirus, @ 15.0 sekund (25.0 °C )Pressure 0.62 MPa | ≥250.0 g/min. |
Füüsiline vorm | Pasta |
Keemiline baas | Atsetoksüsilikoon |
Komponentide arv | 1-komponentne |
Nakkevaba aeg | 30.0 minut |
Pealekandmismeetod | Doseerimispüstol, Doseerimissüsteem, Käsitsi |
Peamised omadused | Paindlik, Temperatuurikindel, Tiksotroopne |
Rakendused | Kohapeal vormitav tihend, Kõrgetemperatuurilised rakendused, Tihendamine, Tihendamine |
Soovitatav kasutada koos | Metall |
Säilitustemperatuur | 8.0 - 21.0 °C |
Tahkumistüüp | Toatemperatuuril vulkaniseeruv tahkumine |
Töötemperatuur | -75.0 - 600.0 °F (59.0 - 316.0 °C ) |
Värvus | Punane |