LOCTITE® AA H8003 - Double cartouche 10.0/Emballage

Caractéristiques et avantages

This 2-part, room-temperature curing adhesive system has a fast fixture time and excellent bond strength on multiple substrates, as well as superior peel and impact resistance.
LOCTITE® AA H8003 is a 2-part, room-temperature curing, acrylic-based adhesive system. It has a fast fixture time of <10 minutes and excellent bond strength on multiple substrates, including galvanized steel, plastics and composites. It needs little or no surface preparation, contains 10 mil (0.254mm / 0.01") spacer beads for bond line control, and offers superior peel and impact resistance.
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Documents et téléchargements

Sécurité Fiche de données et RoHs
LOCTITE® AA H8003, 50 ml Double cartouche 2494409 fr-CA
IDH : 2494409
EAN 079340013407

Conditionnement : Double cartouche

Quantité : 10.0/Emballage

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Informations techniques

Analyse par éléments finis (FEA) Déformation finie, Viscoélastique
Applications Collage structural
Couleur Bleu clair
Nombre de composants Bi composant
Type de polymérisation Polymérisation à température ambiante