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Henkel Adhesive Technologies

Henkel Adhesive Technologies

Medical disposables

When it comes to medical disposables, it’s always “safety first.” That’s why Henkel’s medical device-grade products—medications, tapes, bandages, and other supplies—are safe for skin and provide trouble-free performance. As a global leader in the supply of drug delivery polymers, we have unmatched technical expertise in both cosmetics and transdermal adhesives supported by in-house resources. In addition, our dermatology experts work to ensure skin compatibility across our range of products.

This is an image showing medical syringes and needles

At a glance


PPE market

The expected growth of the medical personal protective equipment market from 2021 to 2026.1


Consumables growth

Is the estimated growth rate for the consumables market from 2021 to 2028.2

1 IN 31

Patients has a healthcare assosicated infection

Over 3% are infected while being treated in a medical facility on any given day.3

Explore our other Medical solutions

  • Medical filtration

  • Medical equipment

  • Medical wearables

Giving production a shot in the arm

With billions of injections administered globally every year, over 150 billion needles and syringes need to be assembled quickly and reliably. Henkel’s innovative adhesive processes help meet the growing production demands of the healthcare industry, to optimize performance of all medical devices.

Venous blood is drawn for testing

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This is a 3D graphic of needles and syringes

Needles and syringes 

For nearly 50 years, medical device manufacturers around the world have utilized LOCTITE® adhesives for trillions of needles and syringes. These adhesives bond cannulas to hubs in needle assemblies, and they’re essential to avoid leaks. 

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