Known as TURCO 4181

Features and Benefits

BONDERITE C-AK 4181 AERO, metal pre-treatment
BONDERITE® C-AK 4181 AERO free flowing granular mix formulated to remove paint, shop soils, rust and light scale from jet engine parts by immersion methods. BONDERITE C-AK 4181 AERO highly alkaline and should not be used on tin, aluminum, zinc or any alloy containing these metals as the major constituents. BONDERITE C-AK 4181 AERO will not attack ferrous alloys, magnesium alloys , stainless steels, brass, bronze or Monel alloys when used as directed. BONDERITE C AK 4181 AERO can be used on titanium alloys at up to 65 g/l of water at temperatures up to 77° C.
  • Non-flammable in powdered or solution form
  • Readily soluble in cold water at recommended concentrations
  • Removes Sermetal W
  • Easily rinses from parts with high-pressure water or by immersion methods
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