Henkel products are designed to improve finished goods reliability, reduce operating costs, and return engines, transmissions and other components back into service quickly.

The Six Stages of Remanufacturing

Henkel is proud to help remanufacturers become more successful at what they do. We offer cleaners to degrease, de-rust, and strip paint; lubricants and coolants to refurbish worn parts; and adhesives and sealants to reassemble core parts to like-new condition. Our professional R&D and engineering staff can also customize formulations and design more efficient processes that deliver optimum results both on the production line and on the bottom line.

Henkel has solutions for remanufacturing:

  • Aircraft Landing
  • Compressor Pumps
  • Engines
  • Equipment
  • Gearboxes
  • Gears
  • HVAC Air
  • Medical and Dental
  • Railway Car
  • Transmissions
  • Turbines
  • Wheels
  • Wind Turbine

Historia de Éxito: Polaris

Remanufacturing: The Finest Art of Recycling

Cleaning, Remachining and Reassembly

Removing Dirt, Grease, Oil, Metal Chips, Paint, Rust and Other Tough Soils

Henkel is a leading supplier of state-of-the-art metal pretreatment technologies for steel, iron, light metals, and plastics. Henkel sets high standards for cleaning, corrosion protection, paint adhesion, and environmental safety.

Registered as a trademark in 1946, Alodine®, now known as BONDERITE®, is a series of conversion coatings for aluminum and light metal substrates that improve paint adhesion and provide corrosion protection. These coatings include both metal pretreatments and post rinses. BONDERITE has been well established in the automotive and metalworking industries as a brand for conversion coating processes and chemistries to improve paint adhesion, corrosion protection and wear resistance to ferrous-based alloys, mixed metal alloys and plastic surfaces. The products that make up the BONDERITE brand include: process line chemistries; cleaners; pretreatment chemistries, including activators and conditioners; conversion coating chemistries; posttreatment chemistries, including rinses and passivation; as well as auxiliary products, such as toners, additives, accelerators and neutralizers.

Our BONDERITE cleaners are for metallic and nonmetallic surfaces, fouling prevention and corrosion protection, together with disinfection of water and use with wastewater treatments. These products are designed for use in low- and high-temperature applications at different pH ranges (acid, neutral and alkaline), and in high-pressure applications, depending on customer conditions.

Learn More About Cleaners

Success Story: Terex

Success Story: New Holland

Remanufacturing Resources

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